In order to create an account, you will need your ACBL player number and a personal nickname (BBO ID). Navigate to, and click Become a Member (free!).
First, enter your BridgeBase user name. There are tens of thousands of users, so it might take you a time or two to get it just right. You are allowed ten characters. When you find one that suits you, WRITE IT DOWN 🙂
Enter the password you wish to use, also a maximum of ten characters. You will re-enter the password on the next line, and then WRITE IT DOWN as well! The email address is VERY IMPORTANT, because if you forget where you wrote down the password, you will be able to ask BBO to send it to you!
Now enter your name. Your ACBL number is an absolute must if: (a) you wish to collect the masterpoints that you earn, or (b) you wish to be able to register for a game that is limited by masterpoints. Without an ACBL number in your BridgeBase profile, you will be ineligible for limited games.
Now choose a skill level – try to be honest. If you don’t wish to disclose it, then keep it as “Private,” and choose your Country if you wish. When you check the box to agree to the Terms of Service, the button to Register will become active. Click it. You’re ready to login with your username and password!
Next you will next need to fund your new BridgeBase account so that you will be able to register for Virtual Club tournaments. Best to do this part on a computer, even if you are planning to play on another device. Click the BB$ button on the top right, and choose Purchase BB$. Pay with a credit card by entering your username and password again, and click continue. Fund the account perhaps with $20 to start. It would be very helpful to choose auto-payment for easy replenishment. If you forget to add $$ when you run low, you will be blocked from registering for a game, but you won’t know why! NOTE: Don’t purchase the BB$ on an iPad or an app. Those will add a surcharge, while the computer will not!
Every time you register for a tournament, as soon as the tournament starts, your account will be debited the entry fee. If you cancel your registration, or the game does not run, you will not be debited.